
The true purpose of arts education is not necessarily to create more professional dancers or artists. [It’s] to create more complete human beings who are critical thinkers, have curious minds, and lead productive lives.
— Kelly Pollock

Sophie McIntosh swore she would never teach…

However, in her first year of university, Sophie’s renowned and beloved ballet teacher Philippa Campbell, of Philippa Campbell School of Ballet requested she come back to teach some of the New Zealand Association of Modern Dance Contemporary exam classes. During her time studying, while still maintaining her own professional career, Sophie fell in love with teaching children to dance. In fact, by the time of her graduation in 2017, she was a faculty member not only at Philippa Campbell’s school, but at Dance West and Jayes Dance Studio as well. Her experience ranges from exam classes in all dance styles and ages, to jazz troops, and senior ballet competition choreography. Many of her dancers and pieces of choreography have had, and continue to have, great success at regional and national dance competitions throughout New Zealand.

After completing her degree, Sophie moved to London, England where she began teaching at The South London Dance School in between her professional work. There she worked predominantly with children under five, and children with learning difficulties. A skill set she took with her when she moved to Los Angeles in 2018 and began working at the coincidently named, Sophie Dance. Now back in London, Sophie is a partner and teacher at The Little Dance Academy and continues to build her own platform and community with classes at Pineapple Dance Studios and Danceworks London.

Sophie adores teaching and it is her hope to one day put to use all the knowledge she has gained over the years, and open her own performing arts academy. Until then, she continues to dance, teach, and choreograph all over the world with great enthusiasm, care, and passion.

“I loved having Sophie as my dance teacher. The way she taught ballet was so particular about detail, yet not boring. She was so inspiring and her attention to each and every finger’s position was so important to me becoming a better dancer. Besides being a wonderful teacher, I felt instantly connected to Sophie as a friend and a young woman who I could look up to. She was there for me to rant to when school was stressful and also just to tell me stories when I wanted them. She was so smiley and I loved trying to copy her amazing British accent. I think of Sophie very often and when I dance I hear her loving and caring voice giving me corrections.”
— Maeve (private student)